Baby's First Menu

Do you have a baby? Then you also have questions...
One of them is for sure when to stop breastfeeding or how to stop breastfeeding or formula milk and what is healthy baby food?

What is healthy baby nutrition, how to introduce solid food and when to introduce it, which fruits and veggies, when to introduce them and a whole bunch of other questions.

We have put it all on the paper and wrote a simple step by step guide for introducing solid food to a baby, called Baby's First Menu. In this comprehensive book and on a bit more than 20 pages, so it's easy reading, you will find easy and healthy baby meals and recipes for dishes you could introduce in your baby's diet.

We have created this book guided by experiences with our two kids and we've listed all of the ingredients and food types we gave to our kids as well. 

It is meant for all of you who are managing the transition period from milk to solid food, just subscribe to our blog and we'll mail you a FREE copy.